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At Tancho Digital, we do all console repairs and Modding.

We do free quotes on your consoles and give you an exact price there on the spot with no price changes. We will also offer you a full 3 to 6 months warranty on the work that we do on your console but if we see any negligence or tampering that has taken place the warranty will then become void. We know how much your console means to you which is why we will have your console back to you with in 3-14 working days (depending on the extent of the problem that has taken place with the console). You will be informed as to the progress of the repairs being done to it by text message as well as receiving a full report on the console and any further problems we may foresee or encounter. Gaming consoles have become a big thing in today’s society and it connects us with our friends and family also letting us meet new people that share the same interests as we do, that is why we specialise in keeping you connected to those people or even just keeping you entertained. Gaming has become a worldwide hobby for lots of people and enthusiasts and it can all get quite expensive,which is why we are here to help you keep the expenses low and the console going for many years to come.

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